Today I want to share with you one of my favourite self-care tips: Dry brushing!

Before stepping into the shower in the morning, I always do a quick face and body brush. It leaves me feeling energised and more connected to my body, so absolutely something I recommend doing.

If you're new to dry brushing, it is just that - gently brushing your skin. Starting under the soles of your feet and legs, you use gentle long brush strokes from the outer parts of your body, inwards towards your heart for a few minutes

It is said to remove dead skin cells without damaging the skin, prevent cellulite, smooth the skin, increase energy levels, and stimulate the nervous system, blood circulation and lymphatic system. Um yes please.

Mine are from the brand karmameju and I love them I purchased them both through the Norwegian website skinlove.no which is where I buy most of my products as they only stock non-toxic, organic and healthy for you products.

So this weeks self-care tip; take a few minutes to yourself and dry brush your skin before taking a relaxing shower or bath. And remember to hydrate after to help your body flush out the toxins... 

Lots of love


So often we overcommit.

But if you're feeling stressed or tired, doing more is not the answer. Take a step back and re-evaluate what you're doing and what is important to you. Here are my top tips for creating more time and space for you to be you, to say yes to not overcommiting.  

Be ruthless with your to do list. Prioritise and only put what is absolutely necessary. I aim to only put 3 items a day on my to do list. That way I feel great when I tick them all off! (instead of feeling like I somehow failed when all 25 things didn't get done that realistically would probably take me a month to do anyhow...)

Only say yes to the things you really need to do and want to do. Don't people please or do something just because you feel you should. if it doesn't feel right, say no (nicely)

Leave gaps throughout your day to just be. to breathe. or to catch up on the things that you needed to do but didn't get done...

And remember it's ok to change your mind. You're allowed to change your mind. You're allowed to take a step back, question and re-evaluate. 

Be kind to yourself. Do less of what depletes you and say yes to more of the things that energises you.

What are you say yes to right now that doesn't feel in alignment? how can you (gently) choose to say yes to yourself today and to what truly matters?

Have a wonderful day, Love



Today I want to share with you my number one tip for boosting your energy levels, and that is to try The Super Elixir by WelleCo!

The first thing I do every morning (after snuggling Matheo) is to drink a large glass of water with this nourishing mixture of greens.

Although I really try to focus on eating a whole food plant based diet, it is so great to know that I am supplying my body with so many nourishing nutrients first thing in the morning! And after having taken if for just over 2 months, my overall energy, health and vitality has soared! And the fun thing is, you get ph sticks to test your own urines acidity levels so that you can even measure how alkaline your body becomes as you take it. Pretty cool.

So that is my tip to you today, try it out and see how much you love it. And if you want to hear the founder herself, Elle Macpherson talk about all the benefits of The Super Elixir, check out her interview on the MindBodyGreen podcast here.

Oh and the Chocolate Nourishing Protein Powder is absolutely delicious. Try that one too.

Have a great rest of the week, Love



As the holidays approach its easy to get wrapped up in long to do lists, purchases and catering to other peoples needs, wants and wishes. But this is an important time to also rest and care for yourself, and to allow time to relax and be present with those you love and with yourself. 

A lovely way to make sure you're taking some time for self-care is to enjoy a relaxing bath (of foot bath if you don't have a bathtub).

Try this cleansing and relaxing bath ritual recipe by adding these ingredients to the bathwater;

  • 1 cup of pink Himalaya salt
  • 1 tbs of coconut oil
  • 5 drops of calming essential oil (such as lavender, chamomile or doterras ready made serenity blend). 
  • Fresh rose petals
  • A rose quartz or amethyst crystal 

If you have sage or palo Santo, I would also recommend cleansing the room before getting in. 

Soak in the relaxing bath you have created and think loving thoughts about yourself for all the wonderful things that you are and do.





As busy mamas, it isn't always easy to find the time for self-care. But in this video I demonstrate my own version of the best selling author Stephen Covey's "Big Rocks First" Method. We all have the same amount of hours in a day, but how we utilise those hours can be very different... The big rocks method (in this case smoothie ingredients) shows how when you prioritise the time you have in the right way, no matter how busy you are, you will always have time for self-care... 

Click play and enjoy, Love 



Today I want to give you a quick tip to help you boost your energy levels! Stomach 36 is THE point to use whenever you're feeling run down, tired and in need of a gentle pick me up. It works by boosting your digestive system which is in charge of transforming your food into energy.

This point is quick and easy to find and great to use when moisturising your legs after your bath or shower. 

How to:

Run your forefinger on the outside of your tibia bone (see photo above). When your finger naturally stops (a little below the knee), the point is just a finger width from your tibia bone. Gently massage or press (holding and releasing every few seconds) to activate the point. Relax and breathe as you do it for a few minutes or for as ever long feels comfortable. 

Happy pressuring mama, 




As the leaves are turning orange and the temperature is dropping, fall has arrived. Every season has an energetic quality to it and Fall is Yin. This is a time when our energy levels are naturally lower and our need for rest and retreating inward is greater. 

Every season is magical in its own way and today I want to share with you my top tips for embracing fall:

1. Fall is a great time to release what is no longer serving you. This could be decluttering your home, letting go of any emotional baggage you may be holding on too, resolving any tension in your relationships and simply practicing letting go of trying to control everything and just being in the present moment. 

2. Your energy levels are naturally lower so balance out moving your body with enough rest and sleep. If you don't feel like being overly social, don't. If you need a full day or weekend to decompress and hibernate, it's ok. Make some arrangements, get a babysitter, ditch the guilt and do whatever you need to do to re-charge. 

3.Give yourself some time in the mornings to wake up slowly and connect with how you're feeling.  

4. Go through your closet and put away your summer clothes for next year. Donate or sell any clothes you don't absolutely love or use regularly so that your closet is only full of clothes that make you feel relaxed, happy and beautiful (and warm!).

5. Make your home a little sanctuary for the whole family by separating areas for play and areas for relaxing. (Perhaps filling the relaxing area with some dried flowers, candles and soft cushions and throws, perfect for snuggling and sipping cocoa together). 

6. Spend time in nature. Dress up warm and head outdoors to enjoy the crisp cool air. When you get back home, dim the lights, light some candles and embrace the yin energy of fall.  





In our society which is so dominated by yang - the masculine, we often push and go and do. Forgetting to also nourish the yin - the feminine, to rest and take a little break from all the hustle and bustle. We forget that we are cyclical beings where our hormones go up and down like a rollercoaster, and often treat our bodies the same regardless of which time of month we are in. Our periods are seen as annoying and inconvenient as we push on through the mind numbing cramps and desire to stay under the covers to be and do some more because that is what is expected and the norm in our society. 

Today I want to give you a fresh perspective on your natural cycle that I hope will give you some clarity on why and how we can go with the natural flow of our body, instead of against it. When we treat our bodies with kindness and understanding, I believe we can experience much less stress and frustration, and much more energy and calm. 

I want you to look at your cycle like the 4 seasons. Each phase is equally beautiful in its own way and has an energetic quality to it.

Day 1-7 of your cycle (when you bleed) is winter and Yin in quality.

This is a time of rest and we will naturally want to snuggle up to tune our attention inwards. Your bodies energy is at its lowest and so this is a time to respect that you need more rest and sleep. As mamas we cant just hibernate for a week as we have little ones who depend on us or ditch work, but we can choose to limit how much we do. This is a time to say no to harsh workouts (stick to walking and gentle yoga), limit social engagements unless you feel like it, and keep the to do list to a bare minimum. Knowing that your energy level is low and respecting that your body needs rest, I find really helps with ditching any feelings of being lazy or guilty for needing some down time. 

Day 7-14 (pre-ovulation) is spring and Yang in quality.

This is a time when you will often feel lighter, happier and more energised (especially is you have given yourself time to rest during "winter"). This is a time to get back into your exercise regime, start new projects, try something new or spring clean the house towards the end of this phase. You may feel yourself wanting to be more social so this is a great time to meet new people and catch up with friends.

Day 14-21 (Ovulation phase) is Summer and Yang in quality.

This is a time to go and do as your energy is at its highest! You may naturally feel more outgoing, confident, playful and attractive;) 

Day 21-28 (pre-menstrual phase) is Autumn and Yin in quality.

As the leaves start to fall, so do our hormones and energy levels. You may feel yourself become less extroverted and wanting to say no thank you to things. Its a great time to finish things as you "prepare for winter", reflect on the past month and let go of things that aren't serving you. As it is yin we often want to do gentler forms of exercise, but keep moving as movement can help with the free flow of energy necessary when we menstruate. 

Side note; If you don't resonate with any of the above because you're feeling tired all the time, it could be a sign your body is out of balance. When we push ourselves too hard for too long, we can get symptoms of burn out and if so its time to slow down. Our body is always speaking to us, we just need to tune in to listen, so if its telling you to slow down and rest (wherever you are in your cycle), please do. 

I hope this helps and that you have a wonderful week, wherever you are in your cycle. 




Turn your phone off, ditch the tv and prioritise an evening of self-care. Here are 5 lovely ideas to help you relax and unwind.

  1. Take a long bath or shower. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil to the bath water or on the floor of your shower. Let the water wash away all the stress of the day... 
  2. Gently exfoliate your face and body with a coffee or salt scrub. Listen to some music and breathe. 
  3. Moisturise your whole body and think of 3 things that you love about yourself.
  4. Light some candles and curl up on the sofa with some tea and a great book.
  5. Put new sheets on the bed and have an early night. Wake up refreshed and ready for a new day tomorrow. 

Lots of love



Nutrition is an interesting topic because as there is no one size fits all and we are all different. What might be right for me may not be the same for you and i really believe it's best to listen to your own body and get help from an expert in the field of nutrition any time we want to make any lifestyle changes. But recently I have had some questions about what i eat and so today i want to share with you 5 of my favourite foods that I normally eat every day... 

1. Breakfast is a must for me and i love to have my avocado on toast with pomegranate and a hot cup of coffee... (i love coffee but limit myself to this one cup a day) 

2. I Love a good Smoothie. Its such a simple and quick way to fill my body with healthy fruits and vegetables to boost my energy levels throughout the day when life is busy. (recipe on my favourite smoothies to come...)

Tip: According to Chinese medicine we should never drink it ice cold in the winter as your body will prefer to eat foods that are warm or at least room temperature when the weather is cold. Especially if you're a mama who tends to get easily cold or fatigued...

3. Chicken stock or broth... Sorry to offend any vegans/vegetarians out there, i know this one is controversial. Having been a vegetarian for a few years i do now eat a little bit of meat and chicken stock is just so amazing for your gut and immune system. I freeze it in ice cube trays and heat it up in soups, rice or quinoa for lunch or dinner. 

4. Quinoa is a fantastic source of protein as it contains all the amino acids. I always have it for lunch with a salad and cook it with stock to give it tons of flavour.   

5. Dates. I love everything sweet and dates cover my sweet cravings! They are a great source of energy and contain fiber, antioxidants and nutrients such as calcium and magnesium.  

Tip: Mix 12 dates, 2 cups of nuts (cashew and walnuts are great) and 2 tbs of raw cocoa powder in a food processor. Roll into balls and enjoy as a yummy healthy treat!

To save time and energy thinking about "what should i eat today?" i eat a lot of the same foods everyday, varying a few things to keep it interesting and balanced. Dinner is a must for us that we enjoy making and enjoying as a family.

I don't count calories or weigh myself, i just try to focus on nourishing my body with the healthiest foods possible and focusing on how it makes my body feel after i eat it. I also make sure to eat enough throughout the day to maintain my energy levels. I know how easy it is to forget to eat when life is busy, but as the Norwegian saying goes; "Uten mat og drikke, duger mama ikke" - which is roughly translated into "without food and drink, you ain't gonna function mama!". And to be able to show up as our best selves, we need to make sure our bodies are getting its nutrients. 

I hope this inspires you in some way to either add more foods to your plate or at least make sure you're eating enough healthy foods to boost your energy levels throughout your day. But just remember, you do what feels good for you!

Have a great one, Love  



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