In our society which is so dominated by yang - the masculine, we often push and go and do. Forgetting to also nourish the yin - the feminine, to rest and take a little break from all the hustle and bustle. We forget that we are cyclical beings where our hormones go up and down like a rollercoaster, and often treat our bodies the same regardless of which time of month we are in. Our periods are seen as annoying and inconvenient as we push on through the mind numbing cramps and desire to stay under the covers to be and do some more because that is what is expected and the norm in our society. 

Today I want to give you a fresh perspective on your natural cycle that I hope will give you some clarity on why and how we can go with the natural flow of our body, instead of against it. When we treat our bodies with kindness and understanding, I believe we can experience much less stress and frustration, and much more energy and calm. 

I want you to look at your cycle like the 4 seasons. Each phase is equally beautiful in its own way and has an energetic quality to it.

Day 1-7 of your cycle (when you bleed) is winter and Yin in quality.

This is a time of rest and we will naturally want to snuggle up to tune our attention inwards. Your bodies energy is at its lowest and so this is a time to respect that you need more rest and sleep. As mamas we cant just hibernate for a week as we have little ones who depend on us or ditch work, but we can choose to limit how much we do. This is a time to say no to harsh workouts (stick to walking and gentle yoga), limit social engagements unless you feel like it, and keep the to do list to a bare minimum. Knowing that your energy level is low and respecting that your body needs rest, I find really helps with ditching any feelings of being lazy or guilty for needing some down time. 

Day 7-14 (pre-ovulation) is spring and Yang in quality.

This is a time when you will often feel lighter, happier and more energised (especially is you have given yourself time to rest during "winter"). This is a time to get back into your exercise regime, start new projects, try something new or spring clean the house towards the end of this phase. You may feel yourself wanting to be more social so this is a great time to meet new people and catch up with friends.

Day 14-21 (Ovulation phase) is Summer and Yang in quality.

This is a time to go and do as your energy is at its highest! You may naturally feel more outgoing, confident, playful and attractive;) 

Day 21-28 (pre-menstrual phase) is Autumn and Yin in quality.

As the leaves start to fall, so do our hormones and energy levels. You may feel yourself become less extroverted and wanting to say no thank you to things. Its a great time to finish things as you "prepare for winter", reflect on the past month and let go of things that aren't serving you. As it is yin we often want to do gentler forms of exercise, but keep moving as movement can help with the free flow of energy necessary when we menstruate. 

Side note; If you don't resonate with any of the above because you're feeling tired all the time, it could be a sign your body is out of balance. When we push ourselves too hard for too long, we can get symptoms of burn out and if so its time to slow down. Our body is always speaking to us, we just need to tune in to listen, so if its telling you to slow down and rest (wherever you are in your cycle), please do. 

I hope this helps and that you have a wonderful week, wherever you are in your cycle. 




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