So often we overcommit.⁠ ⁠

But if you're feeling stressed or tired, doing more is not the answer. Take a step back and re-evaluate what you're doing and what is important to you. Here are my top tips for creating more time and space for you to be you, to say yes to not overcommiting.  ⁠

✓ Be ruthless with your to do list. Prioritise and only put what is absolutely necessary. I aim to only put 3 items a day on my to do list. That way I feel great when I tick them all off! (instead of feeling like I somehow failed when all 25 things didn't get done that realistically would probably take me a month to do anyhow...)⁠ ⁠

✓Only say yes to the things you really need to do and want to do. Don't people please or do something just because you feel you should. if it doesn't feel right, say no (nicely)

✓⁠ Leave gaps throughout your day to just be. to breathe. or to catch up on the things that you needed to do but didn't get done... ⁠ ⁠

✓And remember it's ok to change your mind. You're allowed to change your mind. You're allowed to take a step back, question and re-evaluate. 

✓Be kind to yourself. Do less of what depletes you and say yes to more of the things that energises you.

What are you say yes to right now that doesn't feel in alignment? how can you (gently) choose to say yes to yourself today and to what truly matters?

Have a wonderful day, Love⁠



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