Nutrition is an interesting topic because as there is no one size fits all and we are all different. What might be right for me may not be the same for you and i really believe it's best to listen to your own body and get help from an expert in the field of nutrition any time we want to make any lifestyle changes. But recently I have had some questions about what i eat and so today i want to share with you 5 of my favourite foods that I normally eat every day... 

1. Breakfast is a must for me and i love to have my avocado on toast with pomegranate and a hot cup of coffee... (i love coffee but limit myself to this one cup a day) 

2. I Love a good Smoothie. Its such a simple and quick way to fill my body with healthy fruits and vegetables to boost my energy levels throughout the day when life is busy. (recipe on my favourite smoothies to come...)

Tip: According to Chinese medicine we should never drink it ice cold in the winter as your body will prefer to eat foods that are warm or at least room temperature when the weather is cold. Especially if you're a mama who tends to get easily cold or fatigued...

3. Chicken stock or broth... Sorry to offend any vegans/vegetarians out there, i know this one is controversial. Having been a vegetarian for a few years i do now eat a little bit of meat and chicken stock is just so amazing for your gut and immune system. I freeze it in ice cube trays and heat it up in soups, rice or quinoa for lunch or dinner. 

4. Quinoa is a fantastic source of protein as it contains all the amino acids. I always have it for lunch with a salad and cook it with stock to give it tons of flavour.   

5. Dates. I love everything sweet and dates cover my sweet cravings! They are a great source of energy and contain fiber, antioxidants and nutrients such as calcium and magnesium.  

Tip: Mix 12 dates, 2 cups of nuts (cashew and walnuts are great) and 2 tbs of raw cocoa powder in a food processor. Roll into balls and enjoy as a yummy healthy treat!

To save time and energy thinking about "what should i eat today?" i eat a lot of the same foods everyday, varying a few things to keep it interesting and balanced. Dinner is a must for us that we enjoy making and enjoying as a family.

I don't count calories or weigh myself, i just try to focus on nourishing my body with the healthiest foods possible and focusing on how it makes my body feel after i eat it. I also make sure to eat enough throughout the day to maintain my energy levels. I know how easy it is to forget to eat when life is busy, but as the Norwegian saying goes; "Uten mat og drikke, duger mama ikke" - which is roughly translated into "without food and drink, you ain't gonna function mama!". And to be able to show up as our best selves, we need to make sure our bodies are getting its nutrients. 

I hope this inspires you in some way to either add more foods to your plate or at least make sure you're eating enough healthy foods to boost your energy levels throughout your day. But just remember, you do what feels good for you!

Have a great one, Love  



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