Today I want to share with you one of my favourite self-care tips: Dry brushing!โ 
Before stepping into the shower in the morning, I always do a quick face and body brush. It leaves me feeling energised and more connected to my body, so absolutely something I recommend doing.โ 

If you're new to dry brushing, it is just that - gently brushing your skin. Starting under the soles of your feet and legs, you use gentle long brush strokes from the outer parts of your body, inwards towards your heart for a few minutes๐ŸŒฑโ 
It is said to remove dead skin cells without damaging the skin, prevent cellulite, smooth the skin, increase energy levels, and stimulate the nervous system, blood circulation and lymphatic system. Um yes please.

Mine are from the brand karmameju and I love them๐Ÿ’• I purchased them both through the Norwegian website skinlove.no which is where I buy most of my products as they only stock non-toxic, organic and healthy for you products.

So this weeks self-care tip; take a few minutes to yourself and dry brush your skin before taking a relaxing shower or bath. And remember to hydrate after to help your body flush out the toxins... 

Lots of love


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