There is no right or wrong way to use a crystal, and different crystals can often be used for similar things. So when choosing a crystal, regardless of whether it is your first or you've collected hundreds, go with whichever one you instinctively and aesthetically are drawn too. You'll often find when you read about the crystal that it is just the one you need. (interestingly enough - if you find a crystal you absolutely can't stand the look of - it may be telling you that there is something here you need to look at and work on). 

When you receive your crystals - it is important to first cleanse them and then "program it" to work in a specific way for you. You can cleanse your crystals in many ways. Simply place it on a Selenite crystal, light a Palo Santo stick and let the smoke envelop it, or rinse it in water and put it in a cup of salt overnight.

When your crystal is cleansed, hold it in your hands and say out loud; "I remove all past programming from this crystal". Then next set your own intention by saying out loud; "with love and light I program this crystal to ..." - insert what it is you would like it to help you with. An example of an intention could be "remind me to take a breath and relax" or "help me achieve my goals of ..." or "help me sleep better". 

The more you touch and use your crystal, the more regularly you'll want to cleanse it. (without needing to program it). And as crystals hold energy, place them by a window or outside every so often to "re-charge" them. 

Scroll down and find your favourite crystal(s), then read what it can do for you! 

Clear Quartz; Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" because of its ability to create balance and harmony within our whole body. Besides being absolutely beautiful to look at, it is also said to bring clarity and focus, and be a powerful stone for manifesting your goals and dreams. 

Amethyst;Amethyst is a natural stress reliever that can encourage calm, peace, inner strength, spiritual growth, trusting your intuition and creativity. It attracts positive energy while clearing out and protects agains any negative energy. 

Selenite;Selenite is the perfect crystal to cleanse ourselves, our environment and other crystals. It is said to quickly unblock and remove any negative or stagnant energy, and can evoke a calming energy to bring deep peace and mental clarity. 

Rose Quartz;Rose Quartz opens the heart to all types of love including self-love. It is said to help to heal all aspects of the heart, balance our emotions, and restore passion and self-esteem.

Black Tourmaline;A powerful crystal for protection and elimination of negative energy around you. It is said to help ground you, re-balance and unblock any stagnant energy within your own body, help to neutralise negative thoughts, and absorb harmful electromagnetic energy. 

Smokey Quartz;Smokey Quartz is a grounding, centring and stabilising stone that makes it ideal for meditation. It it also said to help overcome negative emotions such as stress, fear, jealousy and frustration. 

Blue Lace Agate;This calming blue colour emits soothing vibrations that bring peace of mind and relaxation. One of the best crystals for stress, anxiety and sleep.

Botswana Agate;These pink and grey agate crystals (Botswana Agate) are said to be healing and grounding stones. The beautiful colours and patterns are comforting and soothing, reminding us that we sometimes need to take a step back to regain our balance and release stress and negativity. It can also help connect us to the feminine energy - the loving, nurturing, relaxing and creative. 

Crystals hold energy, and so ensuring that the crystals you buy are ethically sourced (with fair working conditions for those mining the crystals), is so important. All the crystals here at YinMama are guaranteed to be 1st grade quality (the best) and ethically sourced. You can shop your favourite ones here.

Have a wonderful day, Love



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