I hope you've had or are still enjoying a wonderful summer. After 3 weeks of sun, fun and family time I'm feeling inspired and ready to dive back into the daily routines of mama life, work and all the exciting projects I have planned ahead (pssst exciting news to come in just a few weeks!)

As I do, I'm reminding myself to relax.. to breathe.. to take moments out of busy days to just be.. to listen to my body and rest when I'm tired.. to love myself, flaws and all because we are all perfectly imperfect.. to be grateful for all that I have and are and do.. to worry less about the mess and more about being present.. to let go of the "could have, should have, would have"... to have more fun, play and be silly..

Whether you're just starting your holidays or returning back to everyday life, I hope you'll do the same.




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