With summer approaching and exciting things happening soon, I'm working hard to get stuff done before we start our family vacation next week. And in the midst of working late, planning and overthinking a few things, I came across a post on instagram that inspired and reminded me of a few key mindset shifts that are so easy to forget when life gets busy, but that we all need reminding of sometimes. So I wanted to share them with you. 

1. The race is long and in the end - it is only with yourself. Take your time and remember that the most important thing is to enjoy your life. Plan for the future - but find joy in the now. 

2. There are a million things you could be doing but ask yourself if you want to be doing them. Get super clear on how you spend your time and energy and tune in to your body to let it guide you. Do you feel uplifted, energised and calm while doing something? or stressed, uptight or overwhelmed? Do none (or much less) of the latter and find the balance between what you really need to do and what you love to do. 

3. Adopt an attitude of gratitude. Really be so thankful for everything you have and get to do. That morning coffee that tastes so good - savour it. The hug from your little one - be there and feel it so hard your heart almost bursts with love. Look up from your phone and take in the beautiful nature around you. 

4. Be in the now. Have a conversation with a friend or partner without talking about something that is going to happen in the future and stop yourself the moment you find yourself drifting off mid conversation. Be here. 

5. Cultivate a growth mindset - be a student of life. We all make mistakes and no one is perfect, so be curious. When bad things happen think - how can I learn from this? When amazing things happen - take the win! Acknowledge it and take a moment to enjoy and celebrate it. 

6. Enjoy the sunshine. Smile and breathe. Some things can just wait...

So what things can you let go of to feel lighter, happier and more free? And what can you be grateful for in this moment?

Have a wonderful day, love



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