At yesterdays yoga class my teacher talked about change and the importance of going with the flow, and it got me thinking...

So often we resist change and hold on to something so tight. Perhaps because it feels so good we don't want things to change. other times it is out of fear of what might happen if we do change course, let go and try something new...

It's human nature to want to feel safe and our mind will do almost anything to keep us in our comfort zone. But the truth is; you don't grow when you're comfortable and life is all about flowing with it, embracing change and accepting (although it is oh so hard sometimes) that things, experiences and people come and go. We can either flow with it, adapt and learn. or resist. 

The latter will really only cause stagnation and keep us feeling stuck.

We spend so much time clinging to the past and planning/trying to secure the future... when life is happening in the present moment.

So be willing to look at what no longer feels "right" to you or in alignment right now, and be open to change. Be curious.

Try to see challenges as an opportunity to learn, grow and to discover new things about yourself and other people in your life. Be kind and patient with yourself and try to trust that the universe (or God or Mother Nature or something greater than you) has your back and that by letting go of something, you may receive something so much better than you could ever have imagined.

I have found this to be so true again and again. And I recently found myself completely stuck because I couldn't bear to let go of something I had worked so hard on! (just a tip; if you have to push and struggle and force something that isn't bringing you joy and peace over time in the process. it may be time to re-consider what you're doing and spending your valuable time and energy on. At least that's how I know I'm not in alignment). 

But the moment I accepted it, embraced the change and decided to go with the flow by letting it go (trusting it would all work out), it felt so freeing. And in this space came clarity and being able to see the bigger picture. I was then able to take a step in a new direction-one that felt energising, exciting and so much better than what I was clinging on too.

Because in this acceptance you may find that the exact answers you're seeking just come to you naturally because you allow things to flow.

Change can be scary so be kind and patient with yourself. And remember that the saying "it takes a village" is true in so many ways. You don't need to do everything on your own and it's ok to ask for support when feeling stuck. 

I hope this email helps you in some way wherever you are now, and I encourage you to check in with yourself and be curious. Where are you pushing and resisting, and where can you learn, grow and flow with change ?

Have a wonderful day! 





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