Creating my own morning routine has ultimately transformed the way I feel and go about my day. This used to be me: Snooze, drag myself out of bed, rush around like a crazy person, run out the door a little half put together and feeling like I was somehow behind on everything all day... (this got a little worse after having my son...).

So about a year ago I created my own personal morning routine - a fixed set of positive habits that help me start my day feeling focused, present, calm and happy, and I want to share them with you! It requires a bit of self-discipline, but its oh so worth it.

We are all different and need to find what works for ourselves. But here are my 5 top healthy habits for a calm and happy mama who's ready to take on the day!

1. Get up 20-30 min before you need to (with no snoozing). I have always been a snoozer... but the past year I have forced myself to get up the moment the alarm goes off so that I can have a some me-time. Simple things like taking an extra long shower, do my makeup and put on "nice" clothes (not half dirty sweatpants) or simply enjoying a cup of coffee in peace before the rest of the world wakes up, makes me feel like a person.

2. Re-hydrate first thing in the morning. Our bodies have been hard at work cleansing our system while we've been asleep so I always drink a large glass of water with freshly squeezed lemon juice to re-hydrate and cleanse my body. 

3. No technology for the first hour of the day! It's so easy to reach for our phones and start checking our social media and emails the minute we're awake. But we're really only filling our minds with other things going on in the world before I've even had a chance to check-in with myself. So my 3rd tip is to be present with your family and to tune in to yourself first. The rest of the world can wait...

4. Close your eyes and focus on your breath for a few minutes. Ask yourself: how am I feeling today? Focus on 3 things you are grateful for. 

5. Movement. I personally don't like to exercise early in the morning (I'm always amazed at those who manage to squeeze in a spinning class first thing), but its just not for me... However doing some gentle yoga stretching or going for a short walk in the fresh air helps clear my head and get focused. 

I hope you find these tips helpful! 

Take care, lots of love



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